Sunday 11 December 2011

Bersyukurlah Kita Orang MALAYSIA

Kita selalu kutuk Malaysia. Lebih-lebih lagi dengan keadaan politik yang sangat tak stabil. Rasa pening pula. Umno dengan perhimpunan besarnya yang mencela parti lain. PAS dengan usahanya menidakkan tuduhan UMNO. DAP bertindak sebagai pembangkang tegar.

Walaupun saya remaja, yang belum berfikiran sesempurna dewasa, saya ni ada cita-cita.
Haha. Seems awkward? Yeah.

Saya bukannya mahu terkenal, cuma terasa mahu ubah segala permainan politik ni supaya menjadi bersih, suci dan diredhai-Nya. Sedih sebab ahli politik muslim seolah-olah terlupa bahawa mereka memiliki peraturan agama.

[Tak mahu ulas panjang, takut berdosa pula]

Maka saya mencari seorang kawan yang memahami saya dalam hal ni. Tapi sorang pon takde. Tapi Allah temukan saya pada sorang remaja luar negara melalui facebook. Dia tinggal di Eropah. Let named he MARK.

Berikutan perbualan saya dengannya (di pendekkan)

Saya : Hate malaysia's politic so much

Mark : Why?

Saya : Politicans keep lying us by inventing new way of a better Malaysia. Democracy?

mark : soon in russia to
but was clear who would come again lol
just one big joke tome

saya : but they insulted the non government politic party

mark : we need to vote them all out
so in other words vote for none

saya : The truth is less vote the government :) lol

mark : they will get kickd out soon eneugh
it cant remain for to long
if 1 cant be free none can be
so it is very important that all will have freedom

saya : sometimes I hate politic
but we need it
only politicians nowaday corrupt and spread lies

mark : We ( in europe) don't
They make the reasons that we need It
But the socio political structure was not yet made
Its time it will be made

saya : Socio politic here not be structured yet
i wish malaysia can be like euro countries :)

mark : well we people in EU countrys face now big problems aswel
the censorship of the internet
ACTA (Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement)
is censoring our internet
Belgium is now the first
not only internet
but patents copyrights
on seeds
non organic food
most importand is acces to energy
we are the generation left with all this shit now
but gives us the chance to correct out history
and move forwerd
the bank in Europe are corrupt now
Greece with its bail out
now ITaly and Spain are to face it
no pension money
for this generation
Eu is corrupt

saya : So the conclusion is,
we need to be grateful
no matter how our life is
every country has positives and their own negatives side

Macam tu lah kawan-kawan. Kalau nak ikutkan, kita tergolong dalam negara yang selamat. Walaupun tak semaju negara Eropah, tapi ekonomi yang stabil mampu buat kita hidup aman mencari keredhaan Allah di sini.

Beruntunglah Malaysia ni negara Islam .

Wahai pemuda, marilah kita bangun dan majukan dunia KERANA ALLAH DAN UNTUK ISLAM !!

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